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Sri Harmandir Sahib

Sri Harmandir Sahib

About Sri Harmandir Sahib

Golden Temple - Wikipedia

Sri Harmandir Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple, is one of the most revered and prominent Sikh gurdwaras (places of worship) in the world. It is located in the city of Amritsar, Punjab, India. The Golden Temple is a significant religious and cultural symbol for Sikhs and is visited by millions of people from all over the globe each year.

Key features of Sri Harmandir Sahib:


The Golden Temple’s architecture is a beautiful blend of Islamic and Indian styles. The main building is a large, square marble structure with four entrances, symbolizing openness and inclusiveness for all people, regardless of their background.

Golden Dome

The temple is crowned with a distinctive golden dome, which gives it its popular name, the Golden Temple. The gold-plated dome is one of the most striking features of the complex.

Amrit Sarovar

The Golden Temple is surrounded by a sacred pool called the Amrit Sarovar (Pool of Nectar). Devotees believe that taking a dip in the holy waters can have spiritual and healing benefits.

Guru Granth Sahib

The Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism, is enshrined inside the Golden Temple. It is treated with the utmost reverence and is read and recited continuously by Sikh priests.


One of the unique features of the Golden Temple is its community kitchen, known as the langar. It serves free meals to all visitors, irrespective of their religion, caste, or social status. This tradition emphasizes the principles of equality and selfless service in Sikhism.

Akal Takht

The Akal Takht, which means “Throne of the Timeless One,” is a prominent building located within the temple complex. It serves as the highest temporal seat of authority for the Sikh community.


The construction of the Golden Temple was initiated by Guru Ram Das, the fourth Guru of the Sikhs, in the late 16th century. It was completed by Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Guru, in 1604. Throughout its history, the Golden Temple has faced numerous challenges, including destruction and restoration, but it has remained a symbol of Sikh resilience and devotion.

The Golden Temple is not only a place of worship but also a center for learning, community service, and social gatherings. It promotes values like humility, equality, and unity among people. Visitors are required to cover their heads, remove their shoes, and maintain utmost respect and humility while visiting the temple premises. The Golden Temple’s serene ambiance, spiritual significance, and architectural beauty make it an iconic and cherished destination for people of all faiths.

Things to do in Sri Harmandir Sahib

Sri Harmandir Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple, is a highly revered Sikh gurdwara located in Amritsar, Punjab, India. It is not only a significant religious site but also a place of immense historical and cultural importance. Here are some of the things you can do when visiting Sri Harmandir Sahib:

1. Darshan

The primary reason for visiting the Golden Temple is to pay your respects and seek blessings. The main sanctum, where the Guru Granth Sahib (the Sikh holy scripture) is placed, is open to all visitors regardless of their faith. It’s a serene and spiritually uplifting experience.

2. Langar

Partake in the langar, the community kitchen, which serves free meals to all visitors irrespective of their background. It’s a beautiful tradition that promotes equality and selfless service.

3. Volunteer

If you wish, you can volunteer at the langar or in other seva (selfless service) activities at the temple. Helping in the kitchen or assisting with various tasks is a humbling experience.

4. Listen to Gurbani

The Golden Temple complex is often filled with devotional music and chants. You can sit in the inner hall (Darbar Sahib) and listen to the beautiful hymns and prayers (kirtan).

5. Watch the Palki Sahib Ceremony

Witness the grand Palki Sahib ceremony, where the Guru Granth Sahib is carried in a procession from the main shrine to the resting place (Akal Takht) for the night. This happens every evening.

6. Visit Akal Takht

Akal Takht, situated just opposite the Golden Temple, is the highest temporal seat of Sikh authority. You can visit and pay your respects here as well.

7. Explore the Museum

The Sikh Museum located inside the Golden Temple complex provides insights into the history, culture, and sacrifices of Sikhs. It’s worth visiting to gain a deeper understanding.

8. Take a Walk around the Sarovar

The Golden Temple is surrounded by a large water tank (sarovar). Take a peaceful stroll around the sarovar, and you can also take a dip in the holy water if you wish.

9. Golden Temple night view

The Golden Temple looks breathtakingly beautiful at night when it’s illuminated. It’s a sight you shouldn’t miss.

10. Participate in Nagar Kirtan

If you’re fortunate to visit during a Sikh festival or special occasion, you may get a chance to be a part of the Nagar Kirtan (religious procession) around the city. It’s a vibrant and joyous event.

Remember, while visiting the Golden Temple, be respectful of the Sikh traditions and customs, dress modestly, and cover your head with a scarf or a turban as a sign of respect. Enjoy the spiritual experience and the cultural richness that Sri Harmandir Sahib has to offer.

Explore Amritsar

FAQs on Sri Harmandir Sahib

What is Sri Harmandir Sahib?

Sri Harmandir Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple, is a prominent Sikh gurdwara (place of worship) located in Amritsar, Punjab, India. It is the holiest shrine for Sikhs and holds immense religious, historical, and cultural significance.

Why is it called the Golden Temple?

The temple is often referred to as the Golden Temple due to its stunning architecture and the covering of gold plating on its upper floors. The gurdwara’s dome and other parts are beautifully adorned with gold, giving it a majestic appearance.

What is the significance of Sri Harmandir Sahib?

Sri Harmandir Sahib is considered the spiritual and cultural center of Sikhism. It was built as a symbol of equality, tolerance, and communal harmony, promoting the teachings of Sikh Gurus, emphasizing the importance of service, devotion, and selflessness.

Who can visit Sri Harmandir Sahib?

Sri Harmandir Sahib is open to people of all faiths and backgrounds. It welcomes visitors and devotees from around the world who come to seek blessings and experience the serenity of the sacred place.

Is there any entry fee to visit the Golden Temple?

No, there is no entry fee to visit Sri Harmandir Sahib. It is open to all visitors free of charge.

What is the significance of the langar at the Golden Temple?

The langar, or community kitchen, at the Golden Temple serves free meals to all visitors, regardless of their caste, creed, or social status. This practice of sharing a communal meal promotes equality, humility, and service to humanity, which are core principles of Sikhism.

Can visitors stay overnight at the Golden Temple?

Yes, the Golden Temple complex provides free accommodation for visitors. There are dormitory-style rooms called “Sarai” where people can stay for a limited period. The accommodations are basic but clean, and advance booking is not usually required.

What are the visiting hours of Sri Harmandir Sahib?

Sri Harmandir Sahib is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The temple complex remains open throughout the day and night, allowing visitors to seek blessings and pay their respects at any time.

Are there any dress code requirements for visiting the Golden Temple?

Yes, visitors are required to dress modestly as a sign of respect. Both men and women should cover their heads with a scarf or turban while inside the temple complex. Additionally, wearing shoes is not allowed inside the main sanctum and other specific areas.

Are photography and videography allowed inside the Golden Temple?

Yes, photography and videography are allowed in most areas of the Golden Temple complex. However, visitors are requested not to take pictures in the inner sanctum (Darbar Sahib) where the Guru Granth Sahib is placed.